Great Wolf Lodge Grand Mound, WA Social Story – Part 3 Water Park

For Part 3 we are headed to the Water Park! This can easily become an overwhelming experience so it is important to prepare for potential triggers and check in frequently to make sure they aren’t becoming overwhelmed. The water park is 84 degrees but the water temperature can vary. There are a number of different pools and areas to accommodate all kinds of swimmers but if your child will need a floatation device they are provided at the water park. They are usually quite strict about bringing toys or floatation devices from home for safety reasons. We used to bring our own life jacket and the staff would check it to make sure it was acceptable. Towels are also provided but must be checked out using a wrist band to associate them with your room. If they are not returned by the end of the day you may get a charge. It does happen sometimes, but you can always speak with the front desk if there was an incorrect charge or you left with them to the room and returned them later.

There are couches and private cabanas that are available for rental each day. These can be a great way to create a safe space away from the action and offer breaks, especially when the parks are busier. The price on these can range depending on the dates of stay and are well worth it if it is in your budget to do so! There are also some areas where there are chairs you can reserve that are quieter than others. Typically, these are going to be near the cabanas by the splash pool and to the left of the wave pool, which is also where wheel chair users and their families often go. You can also find bathrooms in the water park and showers if you wish to change there. My favorite feature is the swimsuit dryers in the restrooms if you only brought one pair. They may not get completely dry but it does help wring out all that extra water so they can be reuse again the next day or packed away easier. For those with sensitive skin, showering right after will be important to get off the chlorine as it can cause rashes for some.  If you want to utilize the lockers to secure belongs, they are located in the back corner behind the splash pool and next to the hot tub area.






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