Sarice Undis - Lead Travel Advisor
I began my love of travel while working as a Parent Advocate for Military Families who had children with special needs. After traveling the world to different military installations, I knew the travel bug had officially bit me and I was hooked! Once you begin to see the world, the curiosity to experience new cultures and locations just overtake you!
As much as I love travel, I learned early on that how my experiences alone and with my family would be unique compared to how many others travel. This came from the fact that I am a person who frequently struggles with anxiety and is also on the Autism Spectrum. Being away from home induced panic attacks even when I was having a good time. I learned that less was more and I could take on any trip when I didn't bite off more than I can chew! Additionally, I am also a mother to a son who is also on the Autism Spectrum. My son has his own triggers and required additional considerations that took many years to identify. Of course the next year, these needs would change again and again! Because of this, for many years we thought travel and vacations were outside of our abilities. To be honest and to put it bluntly, we felt very trapped in our bubble of our home.
I began to become the master of the 'staycation' wherever the Army took his. Staycations required limited travel, all in one venues at resorts like Great Wolf Lodge, and a 'safe spot' with a hotel room to retreat to right away. Plus, they could be planned last minute and were easy to budget. Eventually we began traveling longer distances and identifying triggers so that we could be proactive on outings. Eventually, we were able to go to theme parks like Silverwood, Dollywood, Elitch Gardens, Six Flags, Universal Orlando and even Disneyland. Still, our day at a park will average 6 or less rides a day and included numerous breaks all while utilizing any programs available to us.
Now that my son is a teenager, our vacations still can look and feel very different from others. However, we have developed our own winning equation to make each adventure as safe, stress free and 'meltdown' free as possible! The joy and memories we create are the moments I reminisce about when I am living in some of the hardest of times as a parent.
Break-Free Adventures is about creating those memories that will also survive the test of time to be your rock when life gets hard. You deserve a vacation full of smiles even if it might look different than the travel commercials we all see on TV or in social media. I want to help bring your travel dreams to life by creating a plan that can minimize stress so you can finally feel free! From special accommodations, mobility aids, dietary restrictions, to all the extra tips and tricks, I assist you every step of the way.
We’re here to help you plan your trip. Whatever the reason you’re traveling, we’ve got you covered. Even if you only need to book a hotel because you’re heading to your family reunion in Petoskey, and you refuse to sleep in your Great Aunt Tallulah’s guest room because it smells like mothballs.
Go ahead and poke around, find what you need and then contact us.